Sunday, April 6, 2014

Pushing pause...

So busy...can't think straight anymore. 
Wedding in two weeks. Drove to BFE to get a dressed that wasn't even altered and had a birthday party and baby shower today. Now home with a sick girl! Looks like dr it is tomorrow....
Oh and I didn't get crawfish Friday. Not because he wouldn't get me nah but because we were too busy!!!! My life...
Good news...we found a house and they accepted the offer. Now just need to sell this place. Bittersweet though because we built this one. Just ran out of room! But we will make this new one ours and share lots of memories. 
Struggling now with the blahs.  
Haven't taken my depression meds in a week or so and I'm feeling it. Hate that I have to take that but I've come to realize that it's necessary. Just wish I could be a nicer person...especially to my husband. He's not perfect by any means but I feel like I'm the worst. I really don't know why he stays with me. Don't deserve him. Just like I don't deserve God's love. But he continually gives it to me. I strive to be better. I want to be a better wife. I want to be a better daughter to God. 

I keep typing and deleting my sentences. Not sure where I was going with this blog. Drawing a blank. Sorry peeps. Maybe later. 

Friday, April 4, 2014

Crawfish therapy

Man what a week!!!
I'm so glad it's Friday! If I wasn't nursing I would be enjoying an adult beverage tonight. But instead I'm trying to convince the hubs to bring me to eat some boiled crawfish. 
I'll let you know if he caves. 
Crawfish works like chocolate! It's therapeutic. 
To start off another busy weekend, we are going look at a house tonight. Hopefully "the" house!! House hunting is fun but stressful. Trying to sell mine in the process and scared to not have a place to live in the meantime with our four kiddos!! But God will provide. Staying positive...for the most part. 
Praying for the right buyer and the right house. 
It will happen!!!
Hope y'all have great weekend. Relax and drink a few for me. 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

New to this...

So someone told me that I should maybe think about writing blogs. And I think to myself, "Who cares what I have to say?" 
Well...we shall see. 
I don't expect this to make a lick of sense. It's just a tiny crack into my mind, which can be a scary and confusing place at times. If you don't like it...shut the door and don't look back!
This is just me being me. Talking about my journey with life, whether that be my spiritual life, my family, work, friends, things that make me mad and things that I find hilarious. 

Tonight I start out by just being thankful for worship music on days that I'm about to blow my top. Nothing really wrong going on, just life can be hectic! Sometimes I think that we should go back to the old days where their whole day was to provide for the family by making clothes, growing food, tending to the farm and all that junk. No distractions with TV and entertainment. No blogging obviously. Lol. Just simplicity. 
Sometimes I wonder how I even have time to poop. Yes I said poop. Get used to it if you are going to follow me. It's a part of life isn't it? One thing you should know about me now...I'm very real. No sugar coating things here. 
Anyways, so I decided to put some worship music on to get out of this funk. If you've never done that, you should try it. It's amazing how much stress can be lifted if you just give it to God. Well that's enough for now. 

I'll be back suckas!!